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【teen patti table value】Why Ma Long, Feng Yu chosen as Chinese flag

2024-09-20 08:50:34 [百科] 来源:

Ma Long hits a return during a training session for Paris 2024 in South Paris Arena, Paris, France, July 22, 2024. (Xinhua/Wang Dongzhen)

Table tennis player Ma Long and artistic swimming athlete Feng Yu has been named as flag-bearers of China's delegation at the opening ceremony of the Pairs Olympic Games.

PARIS, July 24 (Xinhua) -- Against all odds, 35-year-old table tennis icon Ma Long and artistic swimming team captain Feng Yu were named the flag bearers at the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games, during an on-line press conference from Chinese sports delegation here on Wednesday.

It was the first time that the flag bearers were chosen outside traditional favorite sports such as basketball, volleyball, fencing and taekwondo at the past Olympics.

Ma, who gears up for his fourth Olympic appearance in Paris, will compete in the men's team event and set a new Olympic record if he wins a sixth gold in Paris.

"It is not my personal pride, but the glory to our table tennis team through generations. Table tennis is not just a sport, but also a kind of story and a song of long-time dedication," said the "Captain Long".

"Taking over the relay baton from our predecessors, I would like to carry on the glory of Chinese table tennis team and carry forward the Olympic spirit as well as the Chinese table tennis and sports spirit to Paris."

Feng Yu runs with the torch during the torch relay of the 19th Asian Games in Taizhou, east China's Zhejiang Province, Sept. 14, 2023. (Xinhua/Huang Zongzhi)

Feng, 24, has claimed eight team titles from the World Aquatics Championships since 2017 in Budapest and one silver medal from the team event at the Tokyo Olympic Games.

"Our sport is a combination of beauty and strength, speed and power. It is my greatest honor as an artistic swimmer to attend the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. We were used to watch the opening ceremony from the live broadcast on TV because our competition always start at the later part of the Games," said Feng, who have tried gymnastics, table tennis and Wushu before she finally started her artistic swimming career when she was young.

As the captain of the national team, Feng tried hard in training and performed as the role model of the team.

"I was excited together with my teammates that we could have the chance to attend and enjoy the opening ceremony right away. We were also encouraged and vowed to achieve our best in the pool," Feng said, adding that she will attend team event in Paris Olympic Games.

"Every athlete has an Olympic champion dream, and we hope we could make our dreams come true in Paris. Hopefully we can attract more young talents to join us in the future," Feng said.

Editor: WRX


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