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【bangalore to tirupati train timings and ticket price】Seine water quality improved as showed in recent tests

2024-09-20 07:57:32 [探索] 来源:

PARIS,bangalore to tirupati train timings and ticket price July 4 (Xinhua) -- The water quality of the Seine River has shown significant improvement just three weeks ahead of the Paris Olympic Games, where the opening ceremony will take place along the renowned river.

Test results published by the Paris mayor's office on Thursday indicated a substantial enhancement in water quality from June 24 to July 2. The levels of E. coli bacteria at an Olympic swimming spot in central Paris fell within acceptable limits for four consecutive days, thanks to the warm and sunny weather in the French capital.

This marked the first time the weekly report of the Seine's water quality showed such promising results. The river is set to host the swimming leg of the triathlon on July 30-31 and August 5, as well as open-water swimming on August 8-9.

"This positive development is a consequence of the return of sunshine and warmth, as well as the effects of the work done as part of the strategy to improve the quality of the Seine's waters," the mayor's office stated.

Additionally, the readings for enterococci bacteria - a second key measurement of water quality - also showed significant improvement, remaining within acceptable limits every day at the Alexandre III bridge.

Sports Minister Amelie Oudea-Castera hailed the "clear improvement in the water of the Seine's waters" and expressed confidence that the improved readings "enable us to envisage the competitions going ahead serenely."

Over the past decade, French authorities have invested 1.4 billion euros (1.5 billion U.S. dollars) in efforts to clean up the river, including enhancing the Paris sewerage system and constructing new water treatment and storage facilities.

The Paris Olympic Games will take place from July 26 to August 11.

Editor: WRX


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