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【urban cruiser on road price bangalore】Wolong ancient village showcases restoration and ecotourism efforts in Yunnan

2024-09-20 08:59:34 [探索] 来源:

People tour Wolong ancient village in Kunming,urban cruiser on road price bangalore southwest China's Yunnan Province, Aug. 21, 2024. Located in Chenggong District of Kunming City, Wolong is dotted with ancient buildings. In recent years, local authorities have vigorously promoted ecological management, ancient buildings restoration, and cultural and tourism integration in an effort to achieve high-quality development. (Xinhua/Xin Yuewei)

This photo shows a restored historic building in Wolong ancient village in Kunming, southwest China's Yunnan Province, Aug. 21, 2024. Located in Chenggong District of Kunming City, Wolong is dotted with ancient buildings. In recent years, local authorities have vigorously promoted ecological management, ancient buildings restoration, and cultural and tourism integration in an effort to achieve high-quality development. (Xinhua/Xin Yuewei)

A visitor walks in Wolong ancient village in Kunming, southwest China's Yunnan Province, Aug. 21, 2024. Located in Chenggong District of Kunming City, Wolong is dotted with ancient buildings. In recent years, local authorities have vigorously promoted ecological management, ancient buildings restoration, and cultural and tourism integration in an effort to achieve high-quality development. (Xinhua/Xin Yuewei)

Students sketch in Wolong ancient village in Kunming, southwest China's Yunnan Province, Aug. 21, 2024. Located in Chenggong District of Kunming City, Wolong is dotted with ancient buildings. In recent years, local authorities have vigorously promoted ecological management, ancient buildings restoration, and cultural and tourism integration in an effort to achieve high-quality development. (Xinhua/Xin Yuewei)

This photo shows a view of Wolong ancient village in Kunming, southwest China's Yunnan Province, Aug. 21, 2024. Located in Chenggong District of Kunming City, Wolong is dotted with ancient buildings. In recent years, local authorities have vigorously promoted ecological management, ancient buildings restoration, and cultural and tourism integration in an effort to achieve high-quality development. (Xinhua/Xin Yuewei)

A child plays in Wolong ancient village in Kunming, southwest China's Yunnan Province, Aug. 21, 2024. Located in Chenggong District of Kunming City, Wolong is dotted with ancient buildings. In recent years, local authorities have vigorously promoted ecological management, ancient buildings restoration, and cultural and tourism integration in an effort to achieve high-quality development. (Xinhua/Xin Yuewei)

People tour Wolong ancient village in Kunming, southwest China's Yunnan Province, Aug. 21, 2024. Located in Chenggong District of Kunming City, Wolong is dotted with ancient buildings. In recent years, local authorities have vigorously promoted ecological management, ancient buildings restoration, and cultural and tourism integration in an effort to achieve high-quality development. (Xinhua/Xin Yuewei)

Editor: ZAD


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