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【kalyan rajdhani matka】Beijing issues 20,000 NEV license plates to households without car

2024-09-20 10:29:36 [综合] 来源:

BEIJING,kalyan rajdhani matka July 19 (Xinhua) -- The Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport announced on Friday that it will issue an additional 20,000 new energy vehicles (NEVs) license plates to address the vehicle needs of households without a car.

Starting from Sunday, household applicants can log in to the city's license plate lottery system to check their ranking based on points. Verified households will receive a license plate confirmation notice beginning July 26.

These additional license plates are exclusively for NEVs, specifically for fully electric passenger cars, according to the commission.

This year, the total quota for passenger car license plates is set at 100,000, with 20,000 allocated for fueled vehicles and 80,000 for NEVs.

Beijing has adopted various measures to tackle traffic congestion and air pollution, including the introduction of a vehicle license plate lottery system in 2011, and the allocation of NEV quotas in the system years later.

Editor: Zhang Zhou


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